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The illustrious history of Pi Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated began in 1982 when Sorors Joyce Miles and Carolyn Johnson conceived the idea of a chapter in the Cerritos area.  Under the guidance and direction of our Regional Director Norma Jean Tucker the Cerritos area, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Interest Group was formed.  On May 9, 1987, newly elected Regional Director Archarlene Amos Martin presided over her first chartering and installation service.  Nineteen members are chartering members of Pi Sigma Omega.

The Chapter Program is planned annually to include activities that incorporate the International Goals of the sorority, meet the needs of the community, and personally involve the chapter members.  Projects include cultural activities that relate to our African Heritage, Scholarships for deserving high school students, health awareness, support of the NAACP, and United Negro College Fund, His Sheltering Arms, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Pack-A-Box” service project.


Pi Sigma Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is committed to being “Supreme in Serve to All Mankind.”


Click on the ivy leaf to learn more about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated's history

Click on the tea rose to learn more about the Far Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

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