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As a charitable organization in the city of Cerritos, the Tea Rose Foundation of Cerritos, in partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Pi Sigma Omega Chapter, has annually provided scholarships to outstanding African-American college-bound high school students (male, female, or gender non-binary). Awards are granted to students who have been accepted by a four-year accredited college/university.

The criteria for selection will be based upon the following:

1. Must be an African-American college-bound high school senior (male or female)

attending one of the following high schools in the local Cerritos area: Artesia, Bellflower,

Cerritos, Gahr, Lakewood, Mayfair, Whitney, or Valley Christian.


2. The criteria for selection will be based upon the following:

a. Scholastic achievement

b. Service and leadership in school or the community

c. Financial need

d. Essay

e. Recommendation letters

f. Quality and completeness of application package

g. Personal interview (if needed)


3. Awards will be paid upon confirmation of registration at a four-year accredited college

or university.


4. Submit the completed application package with the items listed below:

a. Application

b. 300 to 500-word essay related to specific questions or statements provided.

c. Three (3) original letters of recommendations, on letterhead with original (wet)

signatures, that should comment on your activities, leadership, character,

and initiative.

d. One (1) copy of your official transcript (must be unopened and stamped or bear

the school's seal.)



Important Dates:

  • Applications are available: March 2023

  • Application due electronically or with a postmark no later than: April 28, 2023

  • Recipients selected and notified by: late May 2023

  • Recipients must attend the award ceremony: June 2023

  • Scholarship disbursement: upon proof of collegiate enrollment









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